
The Raisebore Vision

To be globally recognised as the world’s premier RaiseBoring Company.

The Raisebore Mission

Safely, effectively and efficiently meet and exceed expectations required by all stakeholders.

Guiding Stars

  • Safely, responsibly and in a no-compromise fashion, endorse a zero-harm workplace moulded with a sound work ethic
  • Continuing to promote a culture of innovation and ingenuity
  • Striving to implement new technologies and create even greater efficiencies
  • Straight talking with all of our main stakeholders
  • Maintaining a proactive workplace, and encouraging useful dialogue between all stakeholders
  • Ensuring the minimisation of delays and utilisation of our labour and equipment, delivering optimum results for all of our stakeholders.

In order to achieve The Raisebore Vision and the RaiseBore Mission, focused and uncompromising emphasis must be adhered to in the implementation of Guiding Stars and The RaiseBore Family Values.